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3.9.11 Case of Several types(複数種類の場合)

If there several types of atoms, you have to repeat the input several times which is required. For example, the system which has one Fe atom and two O atoms requires the data which is shown below.

原子の種類が複数ある場合は、このような入力を必要な数だけ繰り返すことに なる。例えば、鉄原子1個と酸素原子2個の系では、下記のような形式のデータを つくることになる。

26 1 16.0 1.0 55.85 1.70 1.70 NZA NA ZV RCMAX PMASS RATS RATS1
  9.24133   10.00000   10.00000  1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
8  2  6.0 1.0 16.00 1.30 1.30 NZA NA ZV RCMAX PMASS RATS RATS1
 10.72880   11.87936   11.87936  1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
 10.72880    8.12064    8.12064  1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

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Copyright (C), Tatsuki Oda (, Kanazawa University)