Spin textures in k space
We study nontrivial spin textures in Bismuth thin film, ferroelectric oxides bulk and film, topological insulators, and the system of Dirac electrons.
Magnetism in Graphene
We predict the graphene nano ribbon have carrier-induced non-collinear magnetism (weak ferromagnetism).
Nature Physics Research Highlight
Berry's Phase
We have developed computational code to evaluate Berry’s phase of insulating materials. The macroscopic electric polarization is equivalent to the Berry’s phase. The Berry's curvatures gives anomalous velocity for electrons and it resulted anomalous Hall conductivity.
- [Project Leader: F. Ishii] “Evaluation of spin-orbit coupling parameter/interface electric field and material design of spin conversion materials by first principles approach” as part of “Nano-Spin Conversion Science[Project Leader: Y. Otani]”, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas, No. 15H01015.
- FY2014-2016
- [Project Leader: H. Iwasaki] "Development of needs type teaching materials in undergraduate course for computational science education”, Grant-in-Aid for Exploratory Research, No. 26560084.
- FY2014-2015
- [Project Leader: M. Saito]”Computer simulation study for the use of muon microscope as hydrogen probe” as part of “Ultra Slow Muon Microscope[Project Leader:E. Torikai] ”, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas, No. 26108708.
- FY2013-2015
- [Project Leader: F. Ishii]Search for giant Rashba effect and understanding the origin of spin current of ferroelectric nano interface by first-principles methods, Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B) , No. 25790007
- [Project Leader: M. Saito] "Computer simulation of physical properties induced in graphene by the substrate", Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, No. 25390008.
- FY2013-2014
- [Project Leader: F. Ishii] "Large-scale calculation of transition metal oxide artificial superlattice by first principles methods” as part of “Materials Design through Computics[Project Leader: A. Oshiyama]”, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas, No. 25104714.