Next: 11.17 fept.bct(Crystalline Noncollinear Magnetism:結晶ノンコリニア磁性)
Up: 11 Sample Calculation
Previous: 11.15 copt.bct(Crystalline Noncollinear Magnetism:結晶ノンコリニア磁性)
It is a test calculation which has the noncollinear magnetic state as the ground state. It is
calculated with the cubic system. Spin-orbit interaction is not considered and GGA is used in this
calculation. Additionally, the magnetic moment is free. If you perform this calculation with default
cut-off, k-points sampling, et al., incorrect value is obtained. But because this is a test calculation,
don't worry about it. Each unit cell has two iron atoms and two manganese atoms. In the ground state,
the magnetic moment of two iron atoms are Ferro, and two manganese has a magnetic state which has a
components of Antiferro to each other from the position where they are Antiferro to two iron atoms.
The magnetic moment between the maganese is the noncollinear of about 150, but this value is inaccurate.
Property(性質) |
crystal structure |
simple cubic lattic IBRAV=1 |
space group |
lattice constant |
a.u. |
xc potentail |
PW91 |
energy cut-offs |
25 Ry, 250 Ry |
k point sampling |
Monkhost & Pack
, NKPT=64 |
Next: 11.17 fept.bct(Crystalline Noncollinear Magnetism:結晶ノンコリニア磁性)
Up: 11 Sample Calculation
Previous: 11.15 copt.bct(Crystalline Noncollinear Magnetism:結晶ノンコリニア磁性)
Copyright (C), Tatsuki Oda (, Kanazawa University)