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11.14 Noncollinear Magnetism:結晶ノンコリニア磁性)

It is a calculation which lattice constants $a$ and $c$ are optimized as an example of hexagonal close-packed lattice(hcp). Because the electronic state calculation is performed 25 times with the spin-orbit interaction, it takes longer calculation time.

六方最密格子(hcp)の例として、格子定数$a, c$を最適化する計算。 スピン軌道相互作用を考慮して、電子状態計算を25回計算することになるので計算時間を要する。

crystal structure hexagonal closed packed lattice IBRAV=4
space group No.194 $P \frac{6_{3}}{m} \frac{2}{m} \frac{2}{c}, D_{6h}^{4}$
lattice constant $a=6.479$ a.u., $c/a=1.5736$
xc potentail CA-PZ(LSDA)
energy cut-offs 30 Ry, 300 Ry
k point sampling Monkhost & Pack, $12\times12\times12$, NKPT=252

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Copyright (C), Tatsuki Oda (, Kanazawa University)